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Dividend Distribution


Public Accountant

KAP Anwar & Rekan (Member of DFK International)
Permata Kuningan Building, Lantai 5
Jl Kuningan Mulia Kav. 9C, Jakarta 12980
Phone: (021) 8378 0750
Fax: (021) 8378 0735

Partner name: Soaduon Tampubolon, CPA
No. STTD: STTD.AP-017/PM.223/2019, dated 25 Februari 2019
Letter of Appointment: 002/S-GTC/04/2019, dated 22 April 2019

Work Guidelines: Public Accountant Professional Standards (SPAP) established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) and Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 13 / POJK.03 / 2017 concerning the use of Public Accountant Services and Public Accountant Offices in Financial Services activities. The Company has assigned a Public Accounting Firm based on Letter of Engagement No. AR / P / 149/19 dated April 16, 2019, No. AR / P / 115/19 dated March 14, 2019, No. AR / P / 150/19 April 16, 2019.

Association Membership: Indonesian Public Accountants Association (IAPI)
Association Membership Number: 2078

Main Duties and Obligations: The main function of a Public Accountant in the context of this Initial Public Offering is to carry out an audit based on auditing standards set by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The standard requires the Public Accountant to plan and carry out audits in order to obtain adequate confidence that the financial statements are free from material misstatements.

An audit conducted by a Public Accountant includes examinations on the basis of testing, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Public Accountants are responsible for opinions given on the audited financial statements.

Securities Administration Bureau

PT Raya Saham Registra
Gedung Plaza Sentral, Lt. 2
Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav 47-48, Jakarta 12930
Phone: (021) 252 5666
Fax: (021) 252 5028

Letter of Appointment: 015/S-GTC/09/2019 tanggal 25 September 2019
License: No. Kep-79/PM/1991 Tanggal 18-09-1991

Main Duties and Obligations: In accordance with the Professional Standards and Capital Market Regulations in force, the Registrar performs tasks that include: receipt of shares orders in the form of DPPS and FPPS that have been completed with the documents as required in the Share order and have received approval from the Managing Underwriter as an order which is submitted for share allotment. Perform stock order administration in accordance with the application available at the Registrar. Together with the Managing Underwriter, the Registrar has the right to refuse to order Shares that do not meet the conditions of the reservation by taking into account applicable regulations. In addition, the Registrar also reports on the allotment, prepares a refund list, distributes shares electronically into KSEI Collective Custody on behalf of KSEI Account Holders for subscribers who get an allotment and prepares reports on Public Offering activities in accordance with applicable regulations.

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